Business travels are essential in the current time and age. While travel is an imperative, so is managing cost and saving. In the earlier days of the pandemic, we had a customer who bought his first-ever flight ticket! He was travelling within the U.S. for a business meeting, and was excited for the new experience.
Unfortunately, during that time, COVID struck its brutal hand. All travels were cancelled until further notice. While unhappy to miss out on the opportunity, the customer reached out to us for a refund. At that time, airlines had issued a policy that they will not refund the tickets but provide only future credit. When we communicated the same to our customer, he was furious. He was expecting a full refund specially in the hope of saving some money to manage finances during these unprecedented times.
We understood his plight, and requested the same from the airline, but got nowhere as the airline was honouring its policy. The customer checked with us regularly, rather than the airlines, but we were stuck. However, we did keep a tab on the regulatory and policy updates that we coming in. We wanted to find a way for the customer to receive the refund, and surely soon enough the airlines changed its policy and agreed for the refund.
We were ecstatic, and immediately advised the customer to apply for the same. At the end, we had a happy customer who appreciated our support and we were glad to come to the rescue!
Yours Truly, 24/7 Customer Support Team at FareLadder